Welcome To My Studio - April

It’s Spring in Santa Fe and we’ve survived another winter, this one a little longer than others! The last few months have been a blur– I went to Los Angeles for the Masters of the American West show at the Autry Museum and then a little seaside break and now back in my studio preparing for my big solo show at Blue Rain Gallery in Santa Fe.

I really enjoyed my time at the Autry Museum. Let’s face it, art is a solitary pursuit. So much of my time is spent in the studio alone creating new work. So I find it to be so refreshing to head out to events like the Masters of the American West and have the opportunity to meet and converse with other artists, meet collectors face to face and see other friends and colleagues that I typically don’t have a chance to chat with during my daily routine. I sold some of the pieces in the exhibition, which is always nice, but I feel that the interactions I have at these shows are sometimes the most important part of the event. I was also inspired to see all the work by the other artists. As an artist, I understand the pure time and energy that goes into creating work for these shows, so it’s always enjoyable to see all the new work hanging on the walls.

Kathryn Stedham Painting Sunset at Chimney Rock
Kathryn Stedham Art Masters of the American West

I also spent a couple of weeks on the Little Cayman Islands where my husband was scuba diving and I spent my days in the luxury of silence. My typical days were spent waking up and walking three miles in the water every morning, feeling the waves under my feet and enjoying the numerous sea creatures– crabs, rays, starfish and even a shark! I did see a six-foot shark while I was paddleboarding and it was a little too close for comfort, see my photo below. Besides getting a little R&R, I was doing research, a lot of sketching for my upcoming shows, and just thinking of some ideas for new work. Even when I'm at the ocean, my thoughts drift back to the desert and I did a lot of sketching of the areas around my home, which I plan on using for my new show. Now that I'm back, I can’t wait to show you what I’ve been up to.

K Stedham Cayman Islands Vacation Seashell and the Ocean
K Stedham Cayman Islands Vacation Shark in the Water
Kathryn Stedham Cayman Islands Vacation Art Inspiration and Drawing

So get ready to see a lot of new work for my upcoming show July 12 at Blue Rain Gallery. As always, thanks for following along on my various adventures and please feel free to share or reach out or anything else that might strike you. Also, I've been doing a lot more progress videos and photos on instagram these days, so make sure to follow me there as well. You’ll find a link at the bottom of this email. Speaking of links, please click on the graphic below to register for my upcoming workshop at Artisans in Santa Fe.

Kathryn Stedham Santa Fe Painting Workshop

Thank you for following along and I really appreciate all of your support. I look forward to hearing from you too, so if you have any questions about my upcoming show or available work just respond to this email. If you're feeling so inclined, please forward this email to a friend as well.



Welcome To My Studio - February